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Friday, May 20, 2011
Well thank you so much for leaving such fun comments! If you are wanting boy kits in this theme, use the Western Label on the left side of the blog. I have tried for 3 years now to focus on things suitable for using with boy pages. Once in awhile there is a kit specifically for girls, I do have 2 granddaughters, and desperately need the change now and then.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Doll Houses
I really appreciate your imput. At the end of this month I'll start removing the seasonal items and they'll be available during the season. I thought maybe someone would like these doll houses as they won't be used in a kit.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Yesterday I posted part 2 of our kit, and I know that Blogger was doing maintenance work the last couple of days, but somehow it just disappeared. Plus it appears that all the comments from the first element download have disappeared, so I'm fairly certain that it's not my fault but I apologize for the inconvenience to you. I am so glad that your gals can find use for this kit. Alaska is actually the only western state that I've not visited. My husband lived there as a boy, but the timing has never been quite right for us to travel there. Maybe someday.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
White Bead Alpha
Great News! Baby Mercy is 5 pounds now and is at home in the arms of her mother, right were she belongs. Personally, I'd like to thanks all of you who may have had it on your hearts to say a prayer for her. It's now time for me to get to work on a welcome gift for her. During spring break with my granddaughter we have purchased a package of these beads (they were colored then). This little bead alpha will be recolored for her kit, however I thought it could be useful for some of you as well.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Baseball Alpha
I thought I'd post this alpha today, however we are almost out of Bandwidth. When it runs out none of the downloads will work until May 1. If you have trouble with any of the files, that is most likely the reason. These have been separated into 3 parts for easier downloading for those gals with dial-up.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
At Bat and Beyond
Last night was Jackson's school play, the kids did a great job and we had a wonderful time.
Jayleigh, I sure hope you scrapbook that baseball story for your family. It brought a smile to my face and I'm certain it will do the same for them. By the way, I am just terrible at it. My dad grew up listening to the games on the radio. We would sit in the lawn chairs, sometimes do a little BBQ and listen to the game. Until playoffs, then the TV went on and he was a ref for nearly every call.
Jayleigh, I sure hope you scrapbook that baseball story for your family. It brought a smile to my face and I'm certain it will do the same for them. By the way, I am just terrible at it. My dad grew up listening to the games on the radio. We would sit in the lawn chairs, sometimes do a little BBQ and listen to the game. Until playoffs, then the TV went on and he was a ref for nearly every call.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Happy Easter
I am going to spend the rest of the week doing some spring cleaning. With a little luck some work in my flower beds and whatever else I find need that requires some attention. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter with family and friends and I'll see you next week.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Foiled Chocolate Alpha Pink
Thank you all for the lovely comments. I'll check the links for you and repair them if needed later tonight. Tennis has started again and I have about 5 minutes to get out of the house, and go pick up Hope.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Foiled Chocolate Purple Alpha
My memory of those gas wars are the same. My husband swears he never bought gas for less than 25 cents a gallon. But I can recall them dropping down to 10 cents. Those were the "Good Ole days!" Next time some one says, "what was so good about them?", it'll be the perfect answer. When gas wars were in the customers favor!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Fast Times
I checked the Bear Country links and they all worked this morning. Last night I could not download them either, they were probably doing server maintence. Locate the password in the terms of use on the right and have fun.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Foiled Chocolate Alpha Green
Yesterday all the Template files and Valentine files were reloaded and now all the files have the same password again. It took alot of time to reload and link all the files, so if you find something not working, just let me know.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Foiled Covered Chocolate Alpha
The grandchildren have returned to school after a week full of new activites. I will make you this alpha in several colors since I have the template all set up. It is a little boring to cut them up, so I'll get them added as they are finished.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Round Tag Alpha Capitals
Have you ever had any of these friends who you never hear from? When they need something or want something you are just bombarded with messages? This blog is becoming like that. It's rather fun to stop and see your idea's on what the kit will be used for, a note of gratitude and even a hello. Sometimes you leave helpful advice, and I appreciate it. Thanks so much for your kind notes! Have fun.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Round Tag Alpha
This alpha has the lower case, numbers and months. It also includes a few fasteners. I did include this year, however my layout was with photo's included over several months and the tags just identified that info. They should be fairly versatile in that way. If you would like the Capitals leave a note and I'll make them.
Usually I don't mention any products, but when I commented on fonts and the trouble I have with them, someone was kind enough to tell me about The Font Thing. I installed it and have used it. The link is for a free download from the developer. Click on the Zipped Install set, to download the program. Than you will have to unzip the file, open the file and click on the Setup file.
The programs automatically picks up all the fonts you have installed each time it opens so it requires no maintenance, such as adding new fonts, or removing old ones.
Usually I don't mention any products, but when I commented on fonts and the trouble I have with them, someone was kind enough to tell me about The Font Thing. I installed it and have used it. The link is for a free download from the developer. Click on the Zipped Install set, to download the program. Than you will have to unzip the file, open the file and click on the Setup file.
The programs automatically picks up all the fonts you have installed each time it opens so it requires no maintenance, such as adding new fonts, or removing old ones.
- Now open the program, it should only take a moment to open,
- on the left a column with a list of all your installed fonts, select a font you may want to use.
- On the right a screen it provides a preview of the font selected. You may replace the text above the preview or the font size on the slider on the bottom of the screen.
- The best part however is in the left screen you can put together collections. Just above the installed fonts, click the second tab labeled "collections". In the top window right click>new, and name your new collection. Example "Disney", "Grunge", "Script", etc.
- It may take some time to add all the fonts you already have installed into a collection. But if you do it as you install new fonts, the frustration of locating them again will disappear. Click on the tab labeled "Installed", pick the font, right click> add it to a collection> select the collection appropriate.
- Now you can open the Font Thing and use your "collections" with any program that you are using to assist you in locating the font desired. If you are doing a layout for that dirty boy and want a grungy font, look in your Grunge Collection and pick a font you want to use. You will than use the font name to locate it Photoshop and type your text.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Borders #5
And thanks for the hug! Locate the password in the Terms of Use on the right and have fun. By the way it's cold and rainy here too. The first day of spring is Monday (I think) and it will be a welcome sight.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Welcome Isabella!
Welcome to the world, Isabella!!! Now you gals probably think that I've been off goofing off. Not so, and I thought I'd show you. I have been making this kit as a baby gift for month's now. Some lace, lots of new ribbons and bows. It will be written to a a cd and given to Isabella and her mother. And since we expected her to arrive this week, it was important to get it finished.
Our friends, Paul and Laura's first granddaughter was born this week, Mercy. She is doing well considering she came very early, at 2 pounds.
Have fun.
Our friends, Paul and Laura's first granddaughter was born this week, Mercy. She is doing well considering she came very early, at 2 pounds.
Have fun.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Date Template #11
. It is a .psd file in grey scale.
Connie-yes use them just as a template the instruction were included in the post for the download. It is an important thing to learn how to use templates. Generally the shapes would be the easiest for you to learn how to use. This template is a bit more complicated than the borders posted yesterday, yet you will find that is easy to use.
- Select a background color and remember you can change the layer setting to achieve a different effect. Of course you can use a paper that compliments your layout if you would like to.
- Pick a month in the layers palette, March is selected when you open the file.
- IT IS IMPORTANT that you select the correct number of days for the month in which you are making the date label, it is set at 31 for March when you open it. There are four options 28,29,30 and 31, click the one you need and click off all others not in use.
- If you would like to change the color of the dates or months, add a new layer, Layer>group with previous (ctrl +g) and add the preferred color.
- When you are finished click Layers>merge visible. And drag the label into your layout.
- It also includes 5 markers, this time in a chromed metal. You can add color to these elements as well in the same manner.
Connie-yes use them just as a template the instruction were included in the post for the download. It is an important thing to learn how to use templates. Generally the shapes would be the easiest for you to learn how to use. This template is a bit more complicated than the borders posted yesterday, yet you will find that is easy to use.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Well I have not added any borders in a while. Now all the files are in grey scale. You will need to add color with your paint bucket or paper. Than click Layer>group with previous (crtl +g) and it will form to the shape. These are the kind of tools than can be used over and over again. Thanks for the lovely notes and as always have fun.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Help with print tutorials
Trish in order to keep the tutorial...
Open a notepad file or any other text program you prefer. Hightlight the text with your mouse and cursor, right click and select copy. In the notepad file paste the text, now in the notepad click File, print. Or you can Name the file whatever the lesson is, and you can open it as you are doing it. Hope this helps. And for a third option, you can just leave the webpage open and follow the instructions. Have fun. Ashley
Open a notepad file or any other text program you prefer. Hightlight the text with your mouse and cursor, right click and select copy. In the notepad file paste the text, now in the notepad click File, print. Or you can Name the file whatever the lesson is, and you can open it as you are doing it. Hope this helps. And for a third option, you can just leave the webpage open and follow the instructions. Have fun. Ashley
Note Alpha
And remembering the commitment to add more alphabets this year a Note Alpha. Thank you all for the very nice comments! Locate the password in the terms of use on the right.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
True Blue
Hello! I have been busy while I was gone. I extracted a lot of trims and laces. If you have never done this, it is so time consuming! I am thinking maybe something lovely around Mother's day. Thanks very much for the nice comments that were left.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Gold Paper Clip Alpha
Monday, February 7, 2011
Typewriter Alpha
I had noticed that as last year came to a close, I had loaded fewer and fewer alphabets. In an effort to keep things balanced I will try to keep adding one every week. Our entire schedule around my house seems to turned around by jury duty!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Yesterday I posted the first lesson and today, some 200 pages later, the last. I didn't include the word list for either lesson. The focus is on reading properly, speaking correctly and articulation. Each lesson provides a moral as well, concluding with the following lesson, to inspire a young boy to reflect, improve and develop his charactor
Strive to Excel (Sander's 1853)
All the great and good men in the world have once been boys, and why may not all boys become great and good men?
If you seek for honor and renown, rise from the dust, from which thou wast made, and aim at great and worthy deeds.
The tall oak, that now spreads its branches broad and high, was once a small acorn, hid in the bosom of the earth.
Strive to be the first in thy calling, be it what it may. Be the nimblest at play and the best at study; yet envy not the merit of others; but seek to improve your own talents.
In striving to excel by just conduct, the spirit of a man is roused within him; he pants after fame, and is eager to gain the object of his pursuit.
He rises like a palm tree, in spite of those burdens that tend to keep him down; and an eagle in the sky, he soars aloft, and fixes his eye on the glories of the sun.
The deeds of great men are in his dreams by night, and it is his chief delight to follow them all the day.
He forms great and good designs, and pursues them with ardor, until success crowns his efforts. If you aim be good, despair not of success.
No one knows what he can do until he tries, and he who faithfully exerts himself to a noble and worthy object, can hardly fail to accomplish it, although, at first, it might appear entirely beyond his power.
Be not content with present attainments; but, while you are digging your little garden and sowing seeds there, cultivate your heart and your head at the same time; for the seeds which you sow there, shall spring up, blossom, and yield rich fruit when you are a man.
Strive to Excel (Sander's 1853)
All the great and good men in the world have once been boys, and why may not all boys become great and good men?
If you seek for honor and renown, rise from the dust, from which thou wast made, and aim at great and worthy deeds.
The tall oak, that now spreads its branches broad and high, was once a small acorn, hid in the bosom of the earth.
Strive to be the first in thy calling, be it what it may. Be the nimblest at play and the best at study; yet envy not the merit of others; but seek to improve your own talents.
In striving to excel by just conduct, the spirit of a man is roused within him; he pants after fame, and is eager to gain the object of his pursuit.
He rises like a palm tree, in spite of those burdens that tend to keep him down; and an eagle in the sky, he soars aloft, and fixes his eye on the glories of the sun.
The deeds of great men are in his dreams by night, and it is his chief delight to follow them all the day.
He forms great and good designs, and pursues them with ardor, until success crowns his efforts. If you aim be good, despair not of success.
No one knows what he can do until he tries, and he who faithfully exerts himself to a noble and worthy object, can hardly fail to accomplish it, although, at first, it might appear entirely beyond his power.
Be not content with present attainments; but, while you are digging your little garden and sowing seeds there, cultivate your heart and your head at the same time; for the seeds which you sow there, shall spring up, blossom, and yield rich fruit when you are a man.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
The First Lesson from Sanders Second Reader June 1853.
I know a great man who is as kind and gentle as a child, and yet he is full of courage.
He never speaks a cross word; he is always happy, and thinking what he can do to make others happy.
To him the world is full of beauty. He knows the name of every little flower, and can tell you all about the birds, beasts, fishes and insects.
When he walks out, he looks upon the earth as a lovely garden, which God himself has planted, and in which He has placed man, that he may enjoy its beauty.
He loves to listen to the wind, to hear the birds sing, and to watch the moving clouds. He feels happy to know that he, and all things, were made by the hand of God.
But this great man was once a little boy. He had his hours for study, and his hours for play.
One day, while this little boy was walking by himself in the garden, he saw a toad hopping along his path.
He took up a stone to throw at it; but, just as he was raising his arm, something seemed to warn him not to do it.
No one was with him, and no one spoke to him; yet he felt that he must not throw the stone. He dropped it, ran home, and told his mother.
"What was it, mother," said he, "that made me drop the stone?"
"It was conscience," said his mother; "and my dear boy, if you would be wise and happy, be sure that you always listen to this voice."
The boy was careful to follow his mother's advice. He strove to obey the teachings of conscience, and he became a great and good man.
I know a great man who is as kind and gentle as a child, and yet he is full of courage.
He never speaks a cross word; he is always happy, and thinking what he can do to make others happy.
To him the world is full of beauty. He knows the name of every little flower, and can tell you all about the birds, beasts, fishes and insects.
When he walks out, he looks upon the earth as a lovely garden, which God himself has planted, and in which He has placed man, that he may enjoy its beauty.
He loves to listen to the wind, to hear the birds sing, and to watch the moving clouds. He feels happy to know that he, and all things, were made by the hand of God.
But this great man was once a little boy. He had his hours for study, and his hours for play.
One day, while this little boy was walking by himself in the garden, he saw a toad hopping along his path.
He took up a stone to throw at it; but, just as he was raising his arm, something seemed to warn him not to do it.
No one was with him, and no one spoke to him; yet he felt that he must not throw the stone. He dropped it, ran home, and told his mother.
"What was it, mother," said he, "that made me drop the stone?"
"It was conscience," said his mother; "and my dear boy, if you would be wise and happy, be sure that you always listen to this voice."
The boy was careful to follow his mother's advice. He strove to obey the teachings of conscience, and he became a great and good man.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Love Birds
I am so glad that some of you have a use for those photographs of the Presidents. Thank you all for the nice notes that you've left.
I just love those old school books and over the years have collected quite a few of them. While going through some of the pages it occurred to me, that sharing some of the information in them would be fun. If you have a minute or two, read on.
From Sander's New Second Reader June 1853.
Marks and Pauses used in Reading.
If with correctness you would read,
You must with care the pauses heed.
As oft as you the Comma meet,
You pause while one you can repeat.
At Semicolons thus you do:
You pause the time of counting two.
At Colons then, the pause is more:
For there you rest the the time of four.
For Periods thus the rule we fix;
You rest the time of counting six.
Quotations show the words of others;
As "Brothers should not war with brothers."
Now Exclamations next appear;
These mark delight, surprise, or fear;
And here the time to rest we state,
The same as we for colons rate.
Interrogations serve to show
Some question asked; as, Will you go?
At which you rest but little more
Than time to count the number four,
Thus, if correctly you would read,
With care the marks and pauses heed.
I just love those old school books and over the years have collected quite a few of them. While going through some of the pages it occurred to me, that sharing some of the information in them would be fun. If you have a minute or two, read on.
From Sander's New Second Reader June 1853.
Marks and Pauses used in Reading.
If with correctness you would read,
You must with care the pauses heed.
As oft as you the Comma meet,
You pause while one you can repeat.
At Semicolons thus you do:
You pause the time of counting two.
At Colons then, the pause is more:
For there you rest the the time of four.
For Periods thus the rule we fix;
You rest the time of counting six.
Quotations show the words of others;
As "Brothers should not war with brothers."
Now Exclamations next appear;
These mark delight, surprise, or fear;
And here the time to rest we state,
The same as we for colons rate.
Interrogations serve to show
Some question asked; as, Will you go?
At which you rest but little more
Than time to count the number four,
Thus, if correctly you would read,
With care the marks and pauses heed.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
US Presidents
Since I had these photographs of the U.S. Presidents, I thought they may be of some use for the students who may have to write reports this month. Each picture is cropped to about 5x7, reports not included!
George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
William Henry HarrisonJohn Tyler
James Knox Polk
Zachary Taylor
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
Rutherford B. Hayes
James A. Garfield
Chester A. Arthur
Grover Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
Friday, January 28, 2011
Clear Button Alpha
Because it was meant to be a bit whimsical it only includes the lower case and numbers. I posted some postage stamps over at CU DESIGNS, I know that some of you really like this kind of thing. Thank you all for the very nice comments.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Page Template
Today is the actual page template. All the layers are sized for the page shown over the last 2 days. Of course you can't actually just color the trim layer, the trim would be placed in the position shown. The same will be true of the holly. This would also make a great page for Valentine's day by using the appropriate paper, instead of using the Holly and Berries, place a cluster of hearts or maybe a cherub.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Christmas Letter Elements
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Blue Clip Alpha
Today is the alpha made from a template by Gunhilde Storeide. I thought since it was made to match this kit, the preview was adequate. I will also put up next week a green alphabet that will go with could be used with this kit.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Rodeo Rider
Hello everyone! Look, I've finally finished something. I think it may be more the fact that I have just to many things going, and fail to concentrate on just one at a time.
I seemed to be receiving quite a few comments from gals who had trouble with the password. The translator, with is just wonderful to read the text of the blog, also translates the password into the selected language and it needs to be typed in English. It is now in red so it is easily located, highlight it copy and paste it at 4shared. You may have noticed that I have been adding the text in Portuguese also, as a way to aid these gals who have seemed to have more trouble. I hope this helps.
I seemed to be receiving quite a few comments from gals who had trouble with the password. The translator, with is just wonderful to read the text of the blog, also translates the password into the selected language and it needs to be typed in English. It is now in red so it is easily located, highlight it copy and paste it at 4shared. You may have noticed that I have been adding the text in Portuguese also, as a way to aid these gals who have seemed to have more trouble. I hope this helps.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Frame Template #9
This template is actually laid out in a 12x12 inch background so you can do the entire layout in it if you wish. First click on the mask and than drag in the photo you wish to use. In order for the photographs to look correct you must, click on your move tool and at the corner adjust the position of the photo until you have aligned the top edge of the photo with the black mask that is included in each layer, this will give the impression that the pictures are folded. If you would like to change the background matting, add another layer, group them together crtl+g, and fill with a paper or color you prefer. I have made it large intentionally, click layers, merge visible and than resize it to suit your preferences and drag it into your layout.
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