Sorry it's so late, blogger was acting up this morning. The download includes a basket and handle. Remember you can resize the eggs, so there is some variation. All the eggs are separate files.
- Drag the basket into your layout.
- Drag in the eggs and position them.
- Also included is a handle, drag it in the layers above the eggs and align it with the basket below. This sets the eggs behind the front edge of the basket. Now erase the back edge so that all your eggs show.
- Finished! Lock all the layers together and click Layers>Merge linked.
- Drag the grass into your layout.
- Layout your eggs.
- Now duplicate the grass layer and move it down until your happy with the positioning. The eggs now seem to be sitting in the grass, and you have avoided a lot of erasing.
- Link the layers in your "grass layout". You don't have to do this but it makes the layers palette clearer to work in.
- Click Layers>Merge linked. Have Fun.