Snowboarding Elements #3. The Arrow is not in the elements, it is a reminder to teach the kids about the cookie cutter.
Open a new document and fill it with color. (If you are trying to match a color in a kit, select the eyedropper and click over the color you want.) or you can...
Open any paper you wish to use.
Select your cookie cutter tool.
In the top, click the drop down menu and select the shape you want to cut. I choose an arrow for the example.
Start dragging over the paper and the shape will appear. By holding down the shift key, the proportions will be contrained, otherwise you will have a free formed shape. (You can also reshape it after it is cut.)
You can also hold the space bar and move your shape around, if you are trying to center a pattern in the shape. (I know you are a perfectionist Jack).
When you let go of the mouse the shape will be cut.
Don't like it? Click Edit/Undo and try again. (When you close the paper, don't save the changes.)
When you are happy, add anything else, staples, burn toool, etc or you can do it later. Then drag it into your layout.
Leah asked for a snowboarding kit in her husbands colors. I added the yellow because I thought the burgandy and greys needed some contrast. I don't snowboard, so it was lots of fun to try something new. I hope you can use these Leah for your photo's.Snowboarding Papers #1.