Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cutout Template

I put together something a bit different for you today.  I'm calling it a Cutout Template, however it's an optical illusion, nothing is really cut out.  I did not spend much time on the preview except I wanted it to display a high contrast and something far more subtle.  The file is in .psd and really to go, or .png for our friend, C from Paris, and if you use a program other than Photoshop, just line both .png files up and you'll be good to go.  I also thought I'd point out that I used a staple on one example, and a button on the other to anchor the ends.  You could however use for example, a square layered with a snowflake and silver brad as embellishments in the corner or a square, felt star and button.  I'm sure you get the idea and now continue around as many sides of your page as you wish. 


  1. This looks like fun! Thanks, Ashley. Good to have you back!

  2. this is a totally new type of template for me! thanks so much!

  3. I use Photo Impact so I will give the .png's a try Thanks for sharing

  4. Thank you!! looks fun!!

  5. ganz herzlichen Dank für das wunderbare Freebie.
    Liebe Grüße

  6. I downloaded this because it sounds interesting, but can't figure out how to use it in My Memories software. I "lined up the 2 png files" but I must be a bit dense. I just have 2 grey lines of triangles, one light and one dark.

  7. I haven't used that software, so after lining up the 2 files included in the download... you will need to layer any paper of your choice above the first darker layer, now conform it to the template file, in phtotshop it is group with previous (crtl g), use the command for your program. Repeat the process for the lighter layer of the template. Play with the opacity of the paper that you are using to achieve the look you desire. I hope that it helps. Ashley

  8. Hey Ashley
    nice blog, thanks for the help:)
    on another note - tried to subscribe your feeds but they open up to be of a completely different website.

  9. Ashley,
    Just a quick note to see if you are okay. Thinking about you - and sending you ((hugs)).

  10. I just re-discovered your blog in my favorites, after forgetting about it for a long time. I'm so glad I found it again! You have so many great free things available, that I know I can use. Thank you so much for keeping all your links active, and for all your great work!

  11. This is very clever. I use Serif Craft Artist so I will play around with it a bit. I appreciate all you share with us. Thank you very much!

  12. Your Digital Scrapbooking is inspiring to a new beginner! I hope I can become as talented as you and many other digital artist that I have been researaching. Thank you so much
