Friday, February 25, 2011

Help with print tutorials

Trish in order to keep the tutorial...

Open a notepad file or any other text program you prefer. Hightlight the text with your mouse and cursor, right click and select copy. In the notepad file paste the text, now in the notepad click File, print. Or you can Name the file whatever the lesson is, and you can open it as you are doing it. Hope this helps. And for a third option, you can just leave the webpage open and follow the instructions. Have fun. Ashley

Note Alpha

And remembering the commitment to add more alphabets this year a Note Alpha.  Thank you all for the very nice comments!  Locate the password in the terms of use on the right.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

True Blue

Hello!  I have been busy while I was gone.  I extracted a lot of trims and laces.  If you have never done this, it is so time consuming!  I am thinking maybe something lovely around Mother's day. Thanks very much for the nice comments that were left.