Tuesday, February 22, 2011

True Blue

Hello!  I have been busy while I was gone.  I extracted a lot of trims and laces.  If you have never done this, it is so time consuming!  I am thinking maybe something lovely around Mother's day. Thanks very much for the nice comments that were left. 


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this! It will be perfect for scrapping some pics of my little one :) You are always so generous with your work and it's definitely appreciated!

  2. Thank you! This will be great as my brother-in-law is a State Trooper. I was looking for some police stuff a while back to scrap his graduation from trooper school for my MIL. Thanks again! :)

  3. Thank you for sharing your great work with others. Have a great week.

  4. Thank you for the police paper. My son in law is a police officer. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. ((Hugs)), Diane

  5. What an awesome kit! My husband is currently in the Police Academy and graduates in a month. Perfect timing! Thank you so much!

  6. Thanks so much for these. My husband is an officer and has been one for 4 years. It's a lot harder to find police things than fireman things. Thanks!

  7. thx so much for this wonderful kit! i was now be able to download all parts
