Tuesday, May 3, 2011

White Bead Alpha

Great News!  Baby Mercy is 5 pounds now and is at home in the arms of her mother, right were she belongs.  Personally, I'd like to thanks all of you who may have had it on your hearts to say a prayer for her.  It's now time for me to get to work on a welcome gift for her.  During spring break with my granddaughter we have purchased a package of these beads (they were colored then).  This little bead alpha will be recolored for her kit, however I thought it could be useful for some of you as well. 


  1. When i was born in 1943, because of the war, the hospital had run out of pink beads, so my baby bracelet has blue beads on either side of my last name. There were more girls born in those war years than boys and new beads were not available because most manufacturing plants were retooled to supply the needs of the military and rationing was the word of the day. The nurses made sure the card in the bassinet was pink, however, so there would be no mistake about the gender of the baby. i still have the bracelet and a lock of my hair kept in a little leather coin purse that belonged to my grandmother. Love these white beads; thanks so much for your continued generosity.

  2. Hello and Thank you for these beads...

  3. Thank you so much for the bead alpha! I'm so happy your granddaughter, Mercy is home safe. My cousin has a premmie we've been praying she'll be home soon, her little Mary is doing well and we hope by the end of the month she'll be out of the hospital too.
