Thursday, April 28, 2011

At Bat and Beyond

Last night was Jackson's school play, the kids did a great job and we had a wonderful time.

Jayleigh, I sure hope you scrapbook that baseball story for your family.  It brought a smile to my face and I'm certain it will do the same for them.  By the way, I am just terrible at it.  My dad grew up listening to the games on the radio.  We would sit in the lawn chairs, sometimes do a little BBQ and listen to the game.  Until playoffs, then the TV went on and he was a ref for nearly every call.


  1. thank you so much! love the add'l elements!! what a super kit!

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 3 post on Apr. 29, 2011. Thanks again.

  3. Thanks for more elements! When i was in Junior Hi, Ted Williams came to speak to us at a special assembly. i've never forgotten what a marvelous, Godly man and amazing ball player he was! i used to umpire for little league games until the parents got so obnoxious and abusive to their children i couldn't tolerate being there anymore. Baseball is truly the all American game! Yes, i will scrap my baseball days now that i have a marvelous kit to use! Thanks so much!!!

  4. thank you, such great elements

  5. Thanks very much for this baseball kit. Sports kits are few and far between and it's great to find this kit. Thanks again for all your work

  6. Thank you so much for this cute freebie and for all others that you do so well!!

  7. Thanks, THanks Thanks alot!!!!!
