Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Omaha Beach

Omaha Beach.. This kit is named for the beach that grandpa landed on in France. These medals were all awarded to him for his military service. Ten days into the invasion, on the 16th of June 1944, approximately 16 miles from the beachhead, near Amferville he was hit by machine gun fire and seriously wounded. Of course he recovered and lived a long healthy life. Remembering all those who have served.


  1. This is such a nice present as we near Memorial Day in the US. Thank you so much.

  2. Thank you so much! My sister has been in the military for 22 years--this kit will really come in handy!

  3. Thank you so much! My Daddy was at D-Day and my son is an active duty United States Marine. Currently stateside!

  4. Thank you so much for this set of Memorial Day items. My father was involved in Omaha Beach. He passed away three years ago at the age of 92. Janv

  5. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift... I can't wait for the elements. My Dad was a paratrooper and jumped on Normandy D-Day ON his 19th Birthday!!! Thanks to your grandpa, my Dad, and all the men and women who serve today and have served in years past to keep freedom for those of us lucky enough to enjoy it!!! Thank you!

  6. I just returned from a cruise that took us to Normandy Beaches. We visited Omaha beach and the American cementery in Coleville. It was very moving. The fog was settled really low which enhanced our visit as we walked through the white crosses that marked 9300 soldiers who gave their life during the war. Glad your grandpa made it!
    J Rucker

  7. That's quite a collection of awards, including the Purple Heart. Thanks to so many like your grandfather. Appreciate your kits as always.

  8. As a military spouse with a husband currently overseas, I greatly appreciate your time you put into this kit and for sharing it with us. Thank you once again!

  9. Thank you so much for this awesome kit. My dad served in WWII in the navy - too many people are now gone that remember those days and all that was sacrificed (both at home and overseas). Thank you so much for remembering! There aren't many of our WWII vets left. We MUST remember...
    Thanks again

  10. Thank you so very much for this kit. My Uncle served in the Korean war and earned the purple heart for being wounded and he also save 2 of his buddies forget the name of the medal he got for that. My son served in the Army for 8 years was deployed to Iraq. My daughter served in the Nation Guard. Would love to see more of your creations for Military

    Thank You
