Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Big Top

 Big Top.
And I received an email from Jackie at La galerie de Jackie, with an award! Thanks so much. Her blog is filled with her digital artwork. So let's give this a try. I must pass it onto 10 people and reveal 10 things about myself. So I decided to visit all your blogs today (If you've left a comment). Of course a lot of the blogs were family sites, and you all have lovely families. But I did restrict the list to things we can use.
And the award goes to...
  1. http://www.gypsyrose-myblog.blogspot.com/ for card ideas
  2. http://www.sus-xandersmom.blogspot.com/ for Quick pages
  3. http://www.donnasdigitalcreations.blogspot.com/ for Wordart
  4. http://www.themagnoliapatch.blogspot.com/ a template available
  5. http://www.justbeingcrafty.blogspot.com/ Fall Quick pages
And the revealing...
  1. I have been married most of my life.
  2. I think grandchildren are the BEST part of life.
  3. I love to scrapbook.
  4. I enjoy gardening.
  5. I enjoy cooking.
  6. I like to read history.
  7. I like to rake leaves.
  8. I don't like to drive.
  9. I drink to much coffee.
  10. My parents taught me, that if you fall off the horse, get up, dust yourself off and get back on. It seems like a good lesson for life.


  1. Thank you for the freebie!

  2. Reading your revealing questions, we have a lot in common, but you probably have grandchildren where I'm still waiting!! lol Thanks for all that you share, it's greatly appreciated!

  3. Ashley,
    Thank you so much for the award!!!!

  4. Thanks so much - what a great kit! The circus wagons and tents are really fun!
