Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Photoshop Lesson 3

1. You can now drag and embellishment into you layout, and resize and move where you would like it to be placed. 2. If you find that you would like something behind another layer, in your layers palette, drag the element below layer you want above. 3. Or you can drag, in the layers palette on the right, one up. 4. Now is when I would usually add any text. Click on your text tool, on the left, and place the cursor approximately where you would like your text. Select a color and font. Start typing. 5. When you are finished, select your move tool, and place it exactly in place. 6. IT IS IMPORTANT, that you flatten the image, before you print. In the layers, at the top, select layer>flatten image. This will discard any information under the layer above it and make printing much quicker. 7. Before, I print, I usually save the file and close it. Than drag it back into Photoshop, because although this seems like an extra step, if it asks to assign RGB color, than select ASSIGN RGB color. This will assure that your print quality.

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