Monday, May 16, 2011

Some News


  1. i think that's a good idea - move the seasonal things to the particular season. It is nice to have everything available, but since this is all free, it doesn't make sense to keep everything up. So, i think you could think about just putting spring, summer and maybe the sports for those season up, and vacation-type stuff, and hold the other things. Would that help? Did i miss a donation button somewhere? i just scanned through this main page and don't see a donation link; butyou could list an email address for Paypal donations. i don't think that would be unreasonable.

  2. Well, I love your stuff, but think some things could be removed such as seasonal holidays etc.

  3. I do appreciate all the freebies, but if you can't afford the bandwith I don't mind waiting for the free 4shared..don't know why any links would be reported? If you eliminate the older links or the links associated with holidays and reupload around that holiday that is fine also..although a lot of work for you!

  4. Either 4 shared or removing things seasonally is great. But at the end of the day you must do what is best for YOU. We are grateful that you share anything with us at all. We can't ask that you do more for us than you already do.

  5. We're terrifically grateful for whatever you can leave up. Your kits are fantastic: I use them constantly in my scrapbooks! I especially love your variety. I haven't come across anyone / anywhere else with half so varied an offering - not to mention all the great male-appropriate items!

  6. Hey, Ashley - i really miss you! i realize this has been an expensive enterprise for you, but your kits are always USEABLE! i'd certainly be willing to chip in some $$ to keep you designing and posting. i like your "no frills" style - many kits contain mostly ribbons, bows and flowers. Yours have elements i really need for the type of scrapping i do. You have created "something for everyone" in the family...Pretty please, come back to us...pretty please....

  7. Be back soon, may not be until the first of the year. It's so nice of Jayleigh! I have lot's of things done but not put into kits. Also I haven't figured out the download end. Ashley

  8. I found your site by accident and I want to say thank you for all the darling kits you have offered here. I've downloaded quite a few and was wondering how to thank you, not being too familiar with blogs. I found this little spot so I hope you see and receive this great big, thankful, THANKS! dEB.
