Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Day

Spring Day Paper


  1. Ashley, thank you for this spring kit. i am sorry you are taking flak for not giving away the Isabella kit - just because you posted it here for us to see does NOT mean you must give it to us! i don't know why some people leave comments like seems like greed to me and not gratitude. You have given and given and given without even asking for a donation! For those of us living on very small fixed incomes, your site is a blessing! The Isabella kit is beautiful, and it should remain a private gift as you designed it. i am glad you showed it to us. Thanks a million times for continuing to give the freebies, design and for archiving past kits "in perpetuity." You are appreciated. Don't let the greedies get you down!

  2. Hello and Thank you for these Spring elements...

  3. First let me thank you for the wonderful elements before I try to find words for the ungrateful comments made. I mean, just because you post a preview of a kit doesn´t mean you have to give it for free. You don´t HAVE to give out freebies anyway. Each time you or other designers are doing it should be seen as a present. And sometimes it´s just not greedy person´s birthday but someone else´s who´s getting the prezzies... Things like that make me sad :(

  4. Bonjour,
    Merci BEAUCOUP for these beautiful gardening embellishments which will be handy very soon...
    C from Paris :) ♥

  5. Thank you so much. A HUG is sent to you and have a great DAY !!

  6. Thank you so much for the gardening kit. It was just what I was looking for! I appreciate your generosity!
