Saturday, March 20, 2010


Tree #1 and Tree #2. They are in 2 downloads because I left them large. If you want narrower tree just resize them. Have fun.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Date Labels #8

Date Labels #8. I made the one for March, for use on one of my pages. Than I thought I could do these on the 100 year calendar idea. All the files are black and you just pick the month that you need. Add some color or paper, the month and/or year, and your set forever. Have fun.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Irish Pride

Irish Pride. I should have written this out for you when we did the gingerbread cookies. This technique is useful to change the layout of items. So we have one flat coin or cookie or any number of other things...

This coin is the perfect item for you to use your Transform Tool. Don't worry I filled the pot with the coins shown, but to personalize your layout you can add more to the top or lay them around the bottom. To do this, just drag the coin into your layout and...
  1. Enlarge the image so the you can view the transformation.
  2. Click Image (at the top) and select Transform and select one of the tools. (In CS3 Click Edit>Transform. Thanks for the note)
  3. Each one works slightly differently, dragging at the corner until you have reached the desired position.
  4. If it has enlarged during the transformation, resize it to a suit your layout.
  5. Making 3 or 4 different coins, will give you enough variations to look nice. If you want lots of coins just duplicate the layers. Have Fun.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Gadgets #2

Gadgets #2. All safe pieces and parts. Have fun.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Game Pieces Cribbage Boards

Game Pieces Cribbage Boards. This was probably my dad's favorite game. In fact also my father in laws. These pieces are all an ongoing collection all labeled under Game Pieces.