Monday, October 18, 2010

Black and White Night

Black and White Night 

Thank you Nightshadow, your understanding of the matter is appreciated!

Kaye, I changed some of my feed settings, I hope this helps.

Kim, at the bottom of each post is a label.  If you have a specific interest as the Stamps, you will find other items similar under the same label.  The Stamps are labeled freebies.

And Sally-I am sorry but I have an account at 4 share.  I just don't have the time or money to load all these kits into another file sharing account.  It may be helpful for you to try this.

  1. In your Internet Explorer Browser, click Tools>Internet options. 
  2. Click on the privacy tab and click on sites.
  3. Type in and select block. Click OK. By the way you can do this with any site.
  4. Now under the same privacy setting, click advanced.  This is you cookie settings.  You should have all third party cookie's blocked.  Also you can override how the first party cookie's are handled.  You will need to decide how you would like them handled. (You have already blocked 4 shared in step 3.)
  5. Now click on the general tab and under the browsing history you may have all history deleted upon exit of the browser, click the box (or not).
  6. Decided before you do this! If you have stored cookies from sites that you use, you will lose them.  You could have stored cookies and files, to rid yourself of these, I have seen some with an expiration date of 12/31/9999, so they'll stay there.  You  can try to sort through them one at a time and deleted unwanted items OR  Under the  browsing history, click settings>view files>edit>select all>file>delete.
I hope this helps you.


  1. Thank you for the tip on blocking 4shared's cookies. I've been erasing them, but I didn't realize I could block the cookies in the first place. Yay!

  2. Thanks so much.LOVE black and white with a touch of red.:)

  3. Thanks for the info on blocking 3rd party cookies! I love learning something new!

  4. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Kit(s) post on Oct. 19, 2010. Thanks again.

  5. I backtracked for the papers...thanks again! Love em!

  6. Thank you for the awesome kit!
