Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bath Time

Bath Time.  Hello everyone. I hope that you had a wonderful time with your families over the long 4th weekend.  We went to Jack's for BBQ and fireworks and had a wonderful time.  My hubby was home on Monday (and he really should tell me ahead of time).  Yesterday 4 of the grandchildren came over and played on the slip and slide.  It was getting hot and I didn't want them to burn, so after lunch we played a little bowling on the Wii and Johnny shot 221 and 216.  It's really amazing how fast they catch on.  But we should have come in before lunch, none of the children are sunburned, but my poor toes are.  Next time I sit under an umbrella, I'll be sure that my feet are under it too.  Throwing out some of our baby things, not without a photo first.  These have been the bath toys for all 5 of my grandchildren.   The bubbles and tub are in separate files for you. 


  1. Cute!!! Reminds me of all those years with toys drippin' in the tub! Great job!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing.:)
    Ow! Burnt toes..I hate that when that happens.:)It sounds like you had a great time and I know the kiddies did.:)
    I played my first bowling on a Wii the other day at my Nephews.It was really COOL! Haven't "they" come a long way since we were younger?:)I can remember the first time I played paddle ball on the computer...and we thought THAT was amazing.hehe
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. So Cute. Thank you.

  4. thanks for beautiful freebie :-) !

  5. Thank you for sharing your cute tub time friends.

  6. Adorable kit! Thank you so much for still having these links available!
