Monday, October 12, 2009

Touchdown and Scoreboard Template

The Scoreboard is not included in the Elements, it is a template. Download Touch Down. (new link 1/3/11 and thanks for alerting me!)  and Touch Down Scoreboard Template.
  1. To use the Scoreboard template, open the file.
  2. Select the color you wish to use and fill the Background color layer.
  3. Each of the numbers are included, if you prefer to type your stats, click the little eye in the layers palette off, for every number.
  4. Position the number in the appropriate box. To use the number again in another box, click Layer>Duplicate layer. And move it to the needed positon.
  5. When you are finished, be sure to click the eye off for any used numbers.
  6. Click Layer>merge visible and drag into your layout. (Forgot something, click Edit>undo merge visible). Have fun.


  1. I just found your site today and I can't believe how many wonderful things you have here for free. Thank you so much!

  2. Thank you so much. I was looking for a good football digital scrapbooking kit. Much appreciated.

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  4. thanks for the football freebie. I am using it to make the invite and supplies for my son's 1st birthday.

  5. I am having a hard time downloading the papers. the template and elements were fine. could you check the link?

    By the way, your stuff is awesome :) so glad I found your site!

  6. I know that I downloaded before, but I lost my ehd - thanks for still having this kit up for Super Bowl Sunday! :)
