Sunday, August 9, 2009

What's Cookin?

What's Cookin?  Glad to so many of you can use this. Maybe we should have an exchange? I can always use new dinner idea's. Don't worry, if you don't want to, that's alright too. When you have your layout done, save it as a .jpg, and then zip it (right click on the image and click send to, select compressed zip file (This will prevent your mail from ruining the resolution.) Email them to me, and we'll just post them as they are shared. It could make for an easy gift in the future, for those things that come up unexpectedly. Have Fun.


  1. hi thank for the kit i really ;ove it, could yu do some papers and elements on red, black and silver i'd like to create some layout that will go with my kitchen stuff
    ps; hope you received the mail with the pictures for the edding kit

  2. Thank you so very much!!!

  3. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Food/Kitchen Related, Recipe Card(s) Theme post on Aug. 10, 2009. Thanks again.

  4. This comes at a great time! I had all my family recipes done when I had a computer crash and lost everything. I was so discouraged that I wasn't going to try again...but thanks to you it has got me thinking again. I will start over. I will send you a recipe when I get one done a little later. Thanks again.

  5. This is so right on. I am compiling an assortment of recipes from a club and could not decide how to perk up the pages.You have a winner. Love and Hugs.

  6. Just wanted to leave a sample of the page I made with your kit. Thanks a bunch for making these available.

  7. I seem to be doing a lot of baking and a lot of scrapbooking about baking of late and this kit looks absolutely PERFECT for both. Thank you for sharing - I can't wait to use it.

  8. I am so excited! I can't find enough "kitchen" kits... This is perfect! I make recipe cards/books for gifts!
    THANK YOU!!!!!!

  9. these were so 'tasty'!! You are so sweet to share your bounty with us! God bless!

  10. Super cute kit! And I was really excited to see the wooden cookie mold, my mom has a couple of those hanging in her kitchen!

  11. incredible - exactly what I need! many thanks!

  12. Thank you so much.Love it.
