Saturday, November 15, 2008

Candy Land Elements #2

My grandson stayed here on Tuesday and he wanted to make a gingerbread house. This is the house he made. I added the little gift boxes, they are all square but if you change the proportions you can get different boxes. As 100 percent by 150, or 200 to 100. To do this start dragging a corner and at the top a the dimensions will appear, if you just want it larger, lock the size. Otherwise play a little.
The ribbon slide is a bit tricky to erase sometimes, and look right. So try this. Drag the ribbon end up to the slit were it goes under and just let the rest hand over the edge. It will be discarded when you finish your layout and flatten the image. Repeat for the other side and it's attached.
Tip can Type or use your brushes on brad, or little candies, or ?, to personalize them. And putting a brad on the top of your paperclip changes the look.


  1. Wow your Grandson made an awesome gingerbread house! It looks great! How neat that you used it in the kit! Which (the kit) is so perfect because my son will be making a gingerbread house with his Grandparents this week!! So perfect timing! :-D Thaks so much for sharing! This is really a lovely kit!!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing all your work! I got the whole kit. I love it!

  3. I love his house!! Tell him thank you for letting us use it in our layouts!! TY

  4. Great job on the gingerbread house - the rest is super, too! Thanks so much for sharing!
