Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Your Name is Mud Papers

I had some photo's of the boys jeepin'. Covered in Mud, but they had been converted to sepia before I got them and I needed some color. My mother used to say this, it meant you were in trouble, big trouble.  Your name is mud papers, Elements and Alpha. Update...I finally realized one evening, watching a program about President Lincoln, that the saying "Your name is Mud", probably came from Dr. Mudd, who set John Wilkes Booth's leg after the assassination of the President. Now that was big trouble!


  1. VERY neat! Love the colors!
    THX for sharing!
    :) Mags

  2. Great papers...!!! Thank you so much for your generosity in offering this gift to us!

  3. Great name for the kit! Thanks so much!
