Friday, September 12, 2008

How to turn a photo into Background Paper

Open the photo you wish to use. First, Click Layer, duplicate layer (photo) I'd discard the orginal layer and then rename the duplicate photo, in order to preserve the original.
Second, Select the crop tool and set the dimensions that you want your finished print. (So if your printing 8.x11, set the width at 8 and the heighth at 11 and the resoulution at 300 pixels per inch) the will let you know exactly what you are going have when you are finished.
Third, Crop the photo and don't worry if it not exactly where you wanted to be. Now until you accept this action, you can move the shape and position it where you would like and when you are satisfied double click on the photo. (Remember you can select EDIT>UNDO CROP if it's not right.)
Now in your layers palette (on the right side) is the little black and white circle click it and click Hue saturation and here you can adjust the hue, saturation and adjust the color. OR... If you have a color picked (foreground) then select the little box at the bottom left, in the Hue saturation and it will colorize the photo, this can be a very nice look. OR...
At the top of the pick Enhance> Adjust Color> and Color varitions, clicking the lighten option 3 or 4 times can make for a dreamy or foggy look, and make a nice subdued background too.
The last 2 options are my favorites, good luck Jim and if you need help let me know.


  1. O.M.G. Do you know how long I've been searching for a basic, easy to follow tutorial to do exactly this....months! I am a beginner and find that you have explained this in laymen terms, it is so easy to read.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I shall try this out. I've been wanting to turn a photo of my grandchild into a background like forever!
    You are the BEST!!! <3 <3
    Do you forsee these tutorials becoming printable?
    Trish :)

  2. Trish in order to keep the tutorial...
    Open a notepad file. Hightlight the text with your mouse and cursor, right click and select copy. In the notepad file paste the text, now in the notepad click File, print. Or you can Name the file whatever the lesson is, and you can open it as you are doing it. Hope this helps. And for a third option, you can just leave the webpage open and follow the instructions. Have fun. Ashley
