Friday, January 28, 2011

Clear Button Alpha

  Because it was meant to be a bit whimsical it only includes the lower case and numbers.  I posted some postage stamps over at CU DESIGNS, I know that some of you really like this kind of thing.  Thank you all for the very nice comments.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Page Template

Today is the actual page template.  All the layers are sized for the page shown over the last 2 days.  Of course you can't actually just color the trim layer, the trim would be placed in the position shown.  The same will be true of the holly.  This would also make a great page for Valentine's day by using the appropriate paper, instead of using the Holly and Berries, place a cluster of hearts or maybe a cherub.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christmas Letter Elements

And I'd like to mention that the trim looked much better without adding a drop shadow to it.  It is shown in the preview without the shadow but you can try it and decide which look you prefer.  Also I had changed the tag and used the wrong preview yesterday.  It was replaced today with the correct one. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Green Alpha

Here is the other alphabet that will go well with the Big Day Birthday Kit.