Thursday, September 9, 2010

File Tab Template

File Tab Template.  It was originally set up as a .psd file, however it would have loaded at 107 mb.  To make the download smaller, it is loaded in 3 .png files and is about 30 mb. 
  1. Open a 12 x 12 new document and drag all 3 files into the new document. 
  2. As I have been teaching here, add a new layer to add a color and crtl +g. 
  3. Set the layer to overlay, or play around with the settings until you are happy with the results. 
  4. OR click on the layer you would like to be filled with paper and drag a paper you like in, crtl+g.
  5. If you would like, you may  duplicate the layers and move extra "tabs" into your layout.  Only the top layer will be seen in it's entirety, so with your move tool selected, rotate the layers slightly askew until you have the desired effect.
  6. Merge the layers.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Label Alpha in Blue

 Label Alpha in Blue. This includes the alpha, numbers and strips shown. I did enlarge the alpha strip slightly, so that the alpha ran off the page in the preview.  The children have returned to school and I have plenty of time to Scrapbook again.  Jack was on vacation, and invited me to go with them bowling.  The summer reading program through our library rewards the children with a pass when they have completed the requirements and they ALWAYS use the pass to go to the zoo.  We have had a wonderful summer together, and I'll miss them.  I have gotten a little canning done and made about 40 loaves of bread.  Welcome back Crosstown. Have fun.