Saturday, January 23, 2010

Words of Love

 Words of Love. Thought it would be helpful to have a few idea's. Remember you can recolor to match your layouts. Have Fun.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Love You

Love You. I have been going back through the blog combining all the kits into one preview. While this will take some time, it will make it easier to locate what you need. I also thought that relabeling by subject was probably the fastest way to accomplish that goal. Sports kits will be labeled by the sport, rather than the name of the kit. Holiday kits by the holiday, etc. The focus is to avoid multiple labels. I hope this will help all of you. Have fun.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Best portion of a good man't Life

The best portion of a good man's life. Thank you Judith for sharing the wordart with us. I'm sorry that you are ill. Feel better soon. Your email still acting up.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Frame Template 8

Frame Template 8. I'm so glad that you liked the last kit. This is the frame from it. This is a .psd file. The five frames are left in separate layers so that if you would like to color them differently, it will be easier.
  1. Click on the frame layer, and drag in your paper OR add a new layer and add the color you would like. Group this layer with the previous crtl+g.
  2. The same method can be used to color the staples if you would like to change them.
  3. When you are finished click Layer>merge visible. And Have Fun.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Photo Filter Lesson

Jackson had his first snowboarding lesson. The photo seemed a little washed out, actually only one was a good picture of him. I thought this filter option made the scene look a little dreamy.
  1. Open the photo drag it into your layout (and if you click layer & duplicate layer and run the filter on the duplicate you can easily see the difference when you are finished.
  2. Click Filter & Adjustments & Photo Filter& here I chose Cooling (82), but you may each option and determine which is best for you. There are warming settings and several colors. Or you can click the color you want and adjust the intensity.
  3. When you have it finished, with the photo's side by side, you can see the change in the look. If you don't care for the result. Click Edit>undo and rerun the filter with a different setting. And as always Have Fun.

Though we travel the world

Though we travel the world Wordart.