Saturday, December 12, 2009

Milk and Cookies

Milk and Cookies. (I thought it would be fun to included the reindeer.) Hello to our new friends. You may be interested in last years Gingerbread House made by my grandson, in case you need another. He and grandpa have had a competition ongoing all year, between his gingerbread house and grandpa's 62 Impala template. The number of downloads of each of their idea's put him ahead. Of course it was loaded months before grandpa's and has a much broader use, but still it is fun for them. I should remind them that I did the work, but it's probably more fun their way.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


We have a lovely time last night at the girls Winter Band Concert. It's been frightfully cold, so I'm off to find some wool socks for my hubby. He complained that his feet were so cold yesterday that they hurt. Wish me luck on the hunt.
  1. To make the candles to appear to be in the Menorah, position them behind or in the lower layers of the palette.
  2. Click on the Menorah layer.
  3. Select the brush tool and pick a hard edge round brush, sizing it to the same width of the candle at the edge were it touches the Menorah.
  4. Looking closely at the Menorah and the back of the candle cup will be erased to the width of the candle, but not the front edge of the candle cup.
  5. It you erased to much click Edit>undo eraser. Have fun.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Foiled Alpha

Foiled Alpha.