Friday, July 3, 2009

Measure Up

Measure Up. Have a fun filled 4th of July!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Leaf Collection #2

Leaf Collection #2.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009



Monday, June 29, 2009

An Award

Thanks for the award from Pat at Beneath the Mossgate Oak. Here are the rules for this award: 1. Put the award on your blog. 2. Include a link to the person who gave you the award. 3. Nominate 7 or more blogs. 4. Leave a message on their blog letting them know they have an award on your blog.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Date Label #5

Date Label #5.
There are 3 pieces, one background, if you wish. Create a new layer above it, click layer> group with previous, and fill with paper or color. And then the date in white and black, but if you want another color than repeat the instructions for the background layer. Or use the date without the background. I used the Ariel font, you add the year. For a different look, pick an eraser with soft edges, set it to 25 percent and erase here and there for that grunge or old time look. Have fun.